YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS SO WE CAN SCHEDULE YOUR SESSIONS!! Step 1 of 3 - Contact 33% How can we reach you, for example, in case of schedule changes?Email you bought your ticket under:* Name you bought your ticket under:* First Last Preferred phone to contact you in case of changes:*Alternate Phone:HiddenHIDDEN 6. Arrive by 9:30 AM or choose your time below:9:00 AM9:30 AM10:00 AM10:30 AM11:00 AM11:30 AMNoon What is your experience?HiddenHIDDEN 7. What do you think your voice acting skill level is? No experience whatsoever Minimal Experience Between Beginner and Intermediate Intermediate or above Working Talent, want to win more auditions HiddenAny comment you'd like to add about your skill level?Briefly summarize your speaking experience. Include voice over, radio, school plays, work presentations, etc.*How did you hear about this event? (Check all that apply) Facebook Web Search Email Person/Other Person/Other information: What are your goals and interests?What do you hope to get out of this workshop? ►Beginners: It's okay if you're not sure 🙂*What do you feel your weakest area is? ►Beginners: It's okay if you're not sure 🙂*What type of voice over work are you MOST interested in? Not sure: Learn what's best for me Commercials Narrative (trainings, tutorials, etc) Audiobooks Animation/Gaming Do you have any special requests, or questions about specialized needs such as vision, mobility or health issues?School of Voiceover training concentrates on providing you with the voice over skills most relevant to working in the Twin Cities marketplace, primarily commercial - including character - narrative and IVR secondarily audio book, imaging and promo.If you are coming with someone, what is their name? This person must register BEFORE the event sells out.ZIP Code you are driving from: