The Voice Acting Expo is an all-day training course included on the State of Minnesota's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) under Institution > School of Voiceover , or search by Training title keyword for voiceover (one word). Also choose Location: Minneapolis, and "Refine search by: Do not refine search" then wait for the "Go" button to appear.
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You are registering for APRIL 26 ► What skills do you want? Help us choose the best workshops for you: 🔽 Click Here: Frequently Asked Questions Want to talk to a real person? Click here to contact us
🎧 How do I get the lowest price?
Enter a code for a discount price below (one is provided if you don't have one), and then choose your options under "GET A LOWER PRICE HERE".
We provide the Voice Acting Expo at our cost. It's why we get tons of referrals from agents and studio owners in the biz—many of whom come to train you at the Voice Acting Expo
🎧 How much experience do I need?
No experience necessary. We have recorded thousands of sessions with beginners at the Voice Acting Expo. Although we do have tracks for pros, most attendees to the Voice Acting Expo are beginners.
🎧 How much of the day is actual training?
The entire day is continuous workshops. You will be recording on mic 1-on-1 with a pro coach, auditing voiceover sessions, in industry knowledge workshops or skill-building workshops ALL day until the question-and-answer session at the end of the day.
While you will be given time to eat, there is not time to go out and get food. (So bring a lunch or have us put one aside for you.)
🎧 How long are the recording sessions?
Each additional recording session you choose costs less, and is longer than the previous one, up to five sessions total. The longest sessions are nearly 20 minutes. So the best deal for getting the most recorded coaching sessions is 5 or more.
But if you're new, spend less! You're in workshops all day regardless if they are recording sessions (you choose whether you are recorded via options). We recommend no more than 4-6 recorded sessions if you're brand new to voiceover.
Note that if you choose 6, 7 ,8 or 9 sessions, each of those is a private 1-on-1 with a coach and session engineer. We provide those options more for working voiceover pros.
🎧 Do I keep my audio? How do I get a demo?
All audio is yours to keep forever, no matter what options you choose.
If you'd like us to turn samples of your audio into commercials you can share with agents and potential clients, just choose the number of demo tracks you'd like us to make for you under step 2 below.
🎧 What should I do to get ready?
It's okay to just show up! We'll have everything ready for you.
However, if you want to prepare, you can read more about voice acting or vocal delivery . And we suggest you bring a water bottle if you have one (we'll have water for you too) and a vitamin if you take them—it's a long, fun and intense day!
But please do take a moment and complete the survey on the next page after you register—we need what workshops you want!
All of these options and more are available: Choose your options below and your day will be customized to YOUR goals. We will put you with the coaches, scripts and workshops to help you with YOUR specific goals. Learn about the topics YOU are most interested in.
🎧 How soon can I get voiceover work?
While several talent every year do find work or an agent at the Voice Acting Expo, this is designed as a training event where you get coached by top pros in the industry.
But, if you want to learn some of the fastest ways to get started working, click here , or click here to learn how to get an agent anywhere in the U.S.
🔽 REQUIRED: What is your Experience? What do you think your voice acting skill level is? You can add detailed comments about your goals and experience in the survey on the next page after submitting your registration.
How should your nametag read?
First name (required)
Your phone number for notifications:
Construction Updates, Weather, Start times, etc.
Email to send your ticket to* 🔽 How Many Recorded Sessions Should I Choose? Your day will be a continuous series of workshops—it's packed! Here's an explanation of your options. (When you're ready to choose options, scroll down to where it says "GET A LOWER PRICE HERE" and apply a discount code and then choose your options).
The most valuable workshops are when you work live on-mic with a pro coach and engineer recording voiceover (all audio is yours to keep).
You can choose up to NINE of these live recorded coaching sessions. The more you choose, the more expensive your ticket will be (we have to pay for coaches, engineers, equipment, etc.).
For beginners, we recommend NOT more than six sessions. So what happens when you are not in a live on-mic recorded session? You will be doing one of the following:
Listening to coaches demonstrate voiceover session and acting technique in live sessions with talent
Building skills in acting, session, script analysis, home practice or vocal delivery.
Learning the latest info about different segments of the industry
Customizing your business, training and work plan
In a Q&A session with industry pro and eating free pizza
So the more live recording sessions you choose, the fewer of these kind of workshops you will be in. Choosing five recorded sessions is both the best deal per-minute of live recorded training, and gives the most of the other other skill-building and info workshops.
However, most Expo attendees say afterwards they wish they had more time on mic, so if it is not a budget issue for you, choose six sessions. Here's a comparison depending on how many live recorded sessions you choose::
TWO: Half day only. A great way to find out more on a budget, get a little experience and a couple of recordings.
THREE: Three or more sessions are all full-day tickets. Not the best deal per-minute of live recorded training, but much better than two, and a jam packed day of workshops for anyone on a budget.
FOUR: Only $25 more than three, but a much better deal per-minute of live training.
FIVE: Five or six sessions are the best deal per-minute of live recorded training , and our recommendation if you're new to voiceover.
SIX: Includes a private 1-on-1 live recorded training session (a ll sessions from 6–9 are private 1-on-1's).
SEVEN to NINE: You'll spend more time on mic, work with up to NINE coaches, and spend less time in skill-building and info workshops.
🔽 GET A LOWER PRICE HERE: Show me the discounted price!
Need a discount code? Type LASTCHANCE, click "APPLY" ►
If your training is being paid for by or another organization, you must choose "Pay by Check" when signing up, and you will be issued a valid ticket when payment approval is confirmed.
The Voice Acting Expo is an all-day training course included on the State of Minnesota's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) under Institution > School of Voiceover , or search by Training title keyword for voiceover (one word).
WAIT!! Get an even LOWER price! Click below to configure options: 1️⃣►Try different options, watch the price change!* 2 audio sessions 🌗HALF day only/9:30-1:30 👉INCLUDES ✨Improv Warmup 3 audio sessions ✅Mimimum full day 👉INCLUDES 🍕FREE Pizza Q&A ✨Improv 4 audio sessions ✅Minimum suggested 🎧Deep Dive 🍕Pizza Q&A ✨Improv ▶$25 more than 3 ▼ 5 audio sessions ✅Most Popular 🎧🎧2 Deep Dives 🍕Pizza Q&A ✨Improv ▶only $24 more than 4 6 audio sessions ✅Best Deal ⭐Private 1-on-1 🎧🎧2 Deep Dives 🍕Pizza Q&A ✨Improv ▶$25 more than 5 7 audio sessions ✅Special Deal ⭐⭐TWO Private 1-on-1's 🎧🎧2 Deep Dives 🍕Pizza Q&A ✨Improv 8 audio sessions ✅Pros ONLY. Advance Permission required 9 audio sessions ✅Pros ONLY. Advance Permission required
All audio is yours to keep no matter what options you choose • 3-9 sessions are ALL day (9:30–5:30) 2 sessions is half day ONLY 9:30–1:30 • ALL coach names go on your resume • Recordings are 1-on-1 coaching with an industry pro coach and engineer • This is the experience agents want you to have to put on your resume.
2️⃣► Up to 9 Demo tracks to share—100% Refundable ✔ Click here to choose your demo options NONE - Make NO commercials from my performances 1 for $21 ... $21 2 for $38 .. $17 more than 1 ($19 each) 3 for $54 .. $16 more than 2 ($18 each) 4 for $68 .. $14 more than 3 ($17 each) 5 for $85 .. $17 more than 4 ($17 each) 6 for $96 .. $11 more than 5 ($16 each) 7 for $105 .. $9 more than 6 ($15 each) 8 for $112 .. $7 more than 7 ($14 each) ⭐ Complete pro demo!
100% refundable if you change your mind any time before clips are created • Receive all your audio no matter what options you choose • YOU choose which audio take(s) but they must be COMMERCIAL scripts • You may perform non-commercial scripts at an Expo, but non-commercial performances may NOT be used as Demo tracks • This is DEMO-READY audio (commercial music added to an edited version of your performance) • Each clip is 5-12 seconds long (typical clip length on a professional commercial demo) • You receive FULL commercial broadcast rights to all music used with your clips
3️⃣► Up to 90 minutes of Discounted Training AFTER the Expo: NO in-person followup recorded training session on-mic $37 ⭐ 25-minute training session ... $1.48/minute $65 ⭐ 45-minute training session ... $1.44/minute $85 ⭐ 60-minute training session ... $1.42/minute $99 ⭐ 75-minute training session ... $1.32/minute $115 ⭐ 90-min training session ...... $1.28/minute $150 ⭐ 120-min training session .... $1.25/minute
Coming from out-of-town to Minneapolis? • This is on-mic training with a pro coach at the Academy of Voiceover training studios just West of Minneapolis (1 minute from 394&100) • 100% refundable if you change your mind before the session • Session times are available 7 days/week between Noon and 8PM depending on availability • You will receive email instructions on how to schedule your followup session.
= your subtotal
Click to choose your Lunch option: I WILL BRING A LUNCH 1 - $5.00 2 - $10.00
Bring your own lunch or order this one! There is no time to go out for food. This lunch is Chicken+Swiss+Tomato roll-up sandwiches plus gluten-free snacks, cookies, protein bars, and a flavored drink similar to vitamin water. Water in all rooms.
Arrive BEFORE 9:30 AM or choose your time below: 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM Noon
The time you select is the time we will plan for you to arrive. Early events start at 9:30.
• Your schedule begins at the time you choose. • Your choice determines when you will meet with coaches and engineers.
Arrive by 11:30am to receive all your recording sessions. Need to come after noon? Email for a custom schedule.
Want to talk to a real person? Click here to contact us
Please scroll to the top of this page and choose which date you would like to attend.
You are registering for APRIL 26 🔽 Payment Options
If your training is being paid for by or another organization, you must choose "Pay by Check" when signing up, and you will be issued a valid ticket when payment approval is confirmed.
Secure credit card payment
This is a secure 128-bit SSL encrypted payment.
Payment must be received by mail prior to arrival at the Expo.
Check must be made out to:
Sarah C. Larson
Put "Voice Acting Expo" in the memo field.
Mail to:
Sarah C. Larson
School of Voice Over
5821 Cedar Lake Rd. S.
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Credit Card* Total
= your ticket price