612-836-8869 . . . . . . ⭐ YES WE'RE OPEN! ⭐

Click here to schedule your availability (or simply scroll down).

Marketing & Negotiation Workshop Includes:

Saturday or Sunday from 3-4:30 on June 17, 18, 24, or 25

  1. Fiverr Income Roadmap (reference document)
  2. Policies & Pricing
  3. Website & Logo Plan

Acting & Speech Workshop Includes:

Monday mornings or evenings on June 19 or 26

  1. Speech Proficiency (reference document)
  2. Winning Auditions
  3. Warmup & Character

Choose your Workshop Dates

"*" indicates required fields

⭐ Best DateMight Work⛔ Cannot Attend
July 10
July 24
Aug. 7
Aug. 21
We or Gail will contact you with the most popular dates that fit your preference. Each date is limited to five attendees.
⭐ Very InterestedSomewhat Interested⛔ Not Interested
What is my voice best for?
Improving Voice or Speech
Earning Money with Voiceover
Character Voices
Simple Home Studio
Email to contact you at*
Text only notifications if needed—no one will call
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.